Saturday, November 30, 2013


I’ve been comforted by the world.  And it’s a lie.  It’s nothing but a big, bright, shiny, sparkling, empty, hollow lie.

The world convinces me that I should be complacent.  Inactive.  Happy with whatever comes my way.  The world tells me I’m not enough or I’m too much, so why even try.  I should just sit back and settle in my mediocrity like a well fed- pet- content with whatever scraps I’ve been given: scraps of counterfeit love, abuse, ugliness, brokenness, power, disillusionment, worthlessness, emptiness, loneliness, anger, entitlement, use, pride, sarcasm, rejection, materialism, ignorance, distraction, noise, confusion, hunger.

I’m starving.  I’m STARVING.

Scraps.  I should settle for pieces- the leftovers because the world is telling me that’s all I’m worth anyways. 

But Christ DEMANDS radical change.  Conversion.  Metanoia.  He provides sight and hearing to do it (or He takes it away to do it!).  He gives forgiveness and strength to see and sort through the scraps I’ve been starving on my entire life.  He feeds me to fulfillment but leaves me hungry for more.  More Truth.  Always more.  Never settle.  Always more.  Demanding action. 

And He helps me realize this greatness.  He carries me through the flames that continue to burn me, but, now, instead of wounding, they refine me, making me more precious.  They give me a clearer reflection and vision.  They burn away all the impurities to help me finally see a glimmer of the greatness and beauty (in myself, in Him) for which I was made. 

And it hurts.  It hurts my eyes.  It’s blinding because this is the first time I’ve been able to actually see.  To see what I could become and not be distracted by my past (so difficult).  I mean, He’s carried me through it all anyways, so what does it matter?  It’s His greatness, not mine.

But Satan is a sneaky little egg-sucker and is trying to convince me to indulge in my own mediocrity.  Because, while there might be pain in that mediocrity, there’s also consistency, which means I’ll know what to expect, as opposed to abandoning the world recklessly for Christ without knowing what’s coming.


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  He stays the same.  The path to Him does not.  And it’s the only way to greatness.  And it demands action.  And He’s calling.  And He takes away consolation so that I can become great and holy without it, with nothing but Him.  Because He will remain when everything else is gone.  Because He is greatness.

And I was made for Him.

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