Monday, August 26, 2013

Terror of Demons

This is one of my many journals.  Several of my journals have a specific purpose (don’t ask, because it all makes sense in my head, and it will mean nothing to you).  This one is filled with letters to my future husband.  I know it’s freaking pink and brown, but I figured that since I’m the one writing my story in it, I'd better be attracted to it.  (I’ll write another post someday about how I “choose” journals.)  It’s also pretty cool because it has different scripture verses at the bottom of each page.  I started it back in 2008 when I learned about 54-day rosary novenas, and I wrote one specifically for my future beloved.  I scribble in this journal maybe a few times per year, and I’m really eager to have him read it someday.  I’m in the habit of praying the 54-day rosary novena for him, and this year, I began the first one (I've done one more since) on the feast day of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25th) so I could end it on the Solemnity of St. Joseph (March 19th).  Genius, right?  Not only did I end it on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, I prayed it at the Shrine of St. Joseph in DePere.  If you haven’t been there, I very strongly recommend it.  Visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help wouldn't hurt, either.  Whenever I pray a 54-day rosary novena for my future spouse, it is always through the intercession of St. Joseph.  In addition to praying the rosary, I always add prayers to St. Joseph at the end.  This year I discovered the Memorarae to St. Joseph, and added it to the usual cadre of prayers that honor him (Norbertine novena to St. Joseph, MC prayer to St. Joseph that I learned on CYE, and the unfailing prayer to St.Joseph).  There’s also a 30-day prayer to St. Joseph that I began on the Solemnity and finished one month later.  However, whilst praying at the Shrine on the Solemnity this year, I wrote this:
O, Most Loving St. Joseph, I humbly and fervently beg of you: send me a holy husband so that I may more perfectly reflect Christ’s love for His Church.  O, Most Pure Guardian of Our Blessed Mother, never cease to intercede for this, the most ardent desire of my heart and soul.  Watch over and protect him.  Keep him close to you and safe under Our Lady’s Mantle.  Help guide us to one another in humility and patience, through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.St. Joseph, patron of my beloved, pray for us.
I tore it out of my journal and left it in “St. Joseph’s Toolbox” at the Shrine.  The scripture verse at the bottom of the page was Joshua 1:9.  Boom.

If you feel called to married life and you aren't praying for your future spouse, you better damn well start.  And don’t be lackadaisical about it, either.  Marriage is one of the most serious forms of sanctification out there, and you better be prepared to fight the good fight, and that begins with prayer.  

Litany for my Future Husband
Heavenly Father, grant me the patience to wait for the one you have chosen for me. Upon reflecting on the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary, may I meditate on these attributes that you have placed in the soul of my future beloved. Remove all selfishness from my heart as I ask our Blessed Mother's intercession for the man you have set aside for me. Through God the Father, His only Son, Jesus, and by the fire of the Holy Spirit, I beg that my husband:

  1. is Christ-like.
  2. is Catholic.
  3. loves Jesus more than he loves me.
  4. is devoted.
  5. prays daily.
  6. is a man of action.
  7. guards our hearts.
  8. reads the Bible.
  9. attends daily Mass (when he can).
  10. is obedient.
  11. has a servant's heart.
  12. is humble.
  13. is kind.
  14. is gentle.
  15. is my warrior.
  16. leads me to Heaven.
  17. has my best interest in mind.
  18. will make a good father.
  19. treats all women with dignity.
  20. is slow to anger.
  21. takes the lead.
  22. is affectionate.
  23. is forward.
  24. is humorous.
  25. is pure.
  26. is chaste.
  27. is reverent.
  28. listens.
  29. stands for the Faith.
  30. is disciplined.
  31. is loving.
  32. is modest.
  33. is adventurous.
  34. is faithful.
  35. is understanding.
  36. is noble.
  37. is strong.
  38. is honorable.
  39. is trustworthy.
  40. is truthful.
  41. communicates well.
  42. has high expectations.
  43. is handsome.
  44. is delighted by me.
  45. is Holy.
  46. is direct.
  47. actively pursues me.
  48. is chivalrous.
  49. is willing to wait.
  50. is patient.

Mary, Mother Most Holy, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
St. Ann, pray for us.
St. Nicholas, pray for us.
St. Valentine, pray for us.
St. Mary Magdalene, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, pray for us.
St. Joan of Arc, pray for us.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

Lord, if it be your will, increase this burning desire in my heart, that I may fulfill my call for the glory of Your kingdom.  Amen.


Pray for Marriage said...

I was searching around the net for 'prayers for future spouse' and I landed on your blog. I pray for my future husband always and I also write letters to him in a journal. I love the litany you composed and it covers a lot of areas.

Weeks ago I found a tumblr posted by a Catholic lady who mentioned having a prayer group of some sort to pray for one's future spouse. I thought it was a neat idea. I didn't have a tumblr and the message didn't allow urls, so I couldn't leave an email address.

If you're interested in forming a group of some sorts, feel free to let me know at

I'm praying for you and your vocation to marriage. God bless!

Jen said...

Thanks for posting, and I'm glad you liked it. Your post was a huge affirmation from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your prayers. Keep it up!