Friday, June 24, 2016

Stop it

My dear and beautiful sister, 

Whether you like it or not, this post is about you.  If you think it isn't; it is.

I'd like to preface this letter with a great Bob Newhart skit:

You have been on my heart for some time now.  I was blessed to be able to go up to the formation Center on Sunday- Monday, and I went to daily Mass for the first time since January 28th (St. Thomas Aquinas, ora pro nobis).  The two readings for the day onthe 23rd (which also marked the 2-year anniversary of the day me & Thomas met) spoke to me in a pretty profound way.  However, instead of mooning over the past, all I could do was think of you.  

The readings were 1 Peter 1: 3-9 and Mark 10:17-27.  Deacon Adam Bradley did a great job preaching!  What jumped out at me most were the following passages:

“Now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  1 Peter 1:6-8

“And Jesus, looking upon him, loved him and said…” Mark 10:21

All I could think about was you when these words were preached.  The Holy Spirit moved me to write a letter to you.  But, I put it off because I wasn’t sure what to say.  Your text last night snapped me out of that and provided some great starting points.

Firstly, I want you to know that I am writing to you out of love and concern for you and your soul.  My hope is to be sincere, but the words might be a little tough at times.  Know that I love you.  And what does Aquinas say love is?  Good.  Let’s press on.

Before you read on, I want you to do 4 things: 
1. Bless yourself with holy water.
2. Pray a Memorarae and St. Michael.
3. Ask St. Joseph’s intercession, and, most importantly, 
4. Say aloud: “I reject Satan’s attack on my self-worth.”  And mean it. 

Done?  Ok.  Moving on.  Ready?  Here we go.


Stop what you are doing.  Stop it right now.  I know, love.  I know how much it hurts.  Believe me, I do.  And you have to stop.  You have got to stop what you are doing if you are afraid you’re never going to be loved.

Stop it.

That’s my wound , too.  And I can see it in everything you do.  Perfect Love casts out all fear.  Stop.

You gave me a great list of things to write about.  First, you asked me to pray that you’re detached.  My prayers aren’t instantly going to make you detached.  I love you.  Stop wanting to know ALL THE THINGS!, and stop wanting to make sure people know that you know all the things.  It is good to be knowledgeable about the Faith and the pursuit of Truth, but it comes off as gossip if you share about other people’s lives, habits, and the plans you have for them.  It’s really the farthest thing there is from being detached.  STOP. 

Repeat: “I reject the attach on my self-worth.”  Don’t let him in.

You want to be detached?  Unhitch yourself from habits and activities that take up most of your time, effort, and attention.  Stop talking about people.  Stop planning things.  Stop looking for the approval of others when you share information.  In fact, if the info you want to share isn’t going to help get the other person to Heaven, don’t say it.  Stop.  This will teach you detachment, not my prayers.    

“I reject the attack on my self-worth.”  I love you.

LEMME TELL YA: there are still days when I feel worthless, unloved, ugly, wrong, like a failure, and miserable.  Satan hates all of us, and he will stop at nothing to ruin our quest for holiness, our TRUST in Jesus, and our faithfulness to HIS path.  Detach yourself from what you want.  Let those things go, and you will start to develop other virtues that point you to heaven because you won’t be so concerned about life here on earth.  I know that all of this seems super harsh, but maintaining the spiritual life IS super hard.  And we can’t do it alone.  Where would any of us be if we didn’t hold one another accountable?

“I reject the attack on my self-worth.”

Next, peacefulness.  Wanna know a secret?  Being peaceful is one of the fruits of detachment!  Start practicing mortifications if you haven’t already.  Here’s a great one: pick 1 week’s worth of clothing and only wear those clothes for a month.  Give up coffee.  Give up wine.  Give up your favorites and give them to Jesus.  Go on the Little way.  Give it up.  Read the book Searching for and Maintaining Peace over and over and over again until it sinks in.  Read Timefor God and Consoling Thoughts on Trials of an Interior Life.  You must stop.  

When was the last time you went on retreat?  I dare you to go on a 5-8 day silent hermitage retreat with nothing but a journal and a Bible.  Get out of the state.  Go somewhere where no one knows you and you can’t put on a show or hide from God.  SLOW DOWN.  STOP.  SLEEP.  You will never be peaceful if you don’t recognize the importance of rest.  Have you done something like CYE staff or Spiritus or Totus Tuus or anything?  Those things will teach you detachment for sure.

“I reject the attack on my self-worth.”  You are a beautiful and precious, BELOVED daughter of the Father.  And don’t you ever forget or doubt it.  You are resplendent and radiant. 

What was the next one?  Joyful.  I think the one after that was "authentic," so I’m going to address them at the same time.  One of the things that I’ve noticed about you in the past few years is how you express your hurt in different ways.  Some of the things that I’ve heard you say are always said in this very shielded, fake-happy way that is neither joyful nor authentic, and I can see right through it.  I know you’re hurting.  I know you want to be married.  I know how hard it is.  But trying to be joyful whilst at the same time bemoaning your single status is like trying to light a fire with a pail of water; it just doesn’t work.

So stop.  Stop being negative and start being joyful about what you do have: the gifts God has given to single you that He can’t give to married you.  Rejoice in your true identity as a beloved Daughter of the Father created out of Love by Love to Love instead of wallowing in self-pity because “nothing seems to be working” in the relationship department.  When you are sincerely and truly joyful about the things you have or have been given, you’ll start to be able to detach yourself from the creation/creatures and start attaching yourself more to the Creator because He’s responsible for it all. 

Also, girl, you gotta learn how to suffer well!  This is one thing I ask for constantly.  If you can’t suffer well now, you ain’t gonna suffer well with your husband, and LEMME TELL YA, you gonna be doin’ a wholelotta suffering when you get married.  How you suffer now is gonna have a huge impact on your vocation, so stop whining about the battle and start winning it.  Put on the Armor of God!

“I reject the attack on my self-worth.”  St. Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us!

That last blog post I wrote was pretty awesome, wasn’t it?  I got 500 views in 1 day, I got 6 texts about it, and 1 priest and 1 deacon messaged me.  You said you were glad to hear it, but I ask you: did the words sink in?  Have you read them since?

The last thing you asked prayers for was that you be surrendered to God’s will.  Are you?  What if He doesn’t want you to be married?  Are you ready for that?  Can you accept it?  What if He doesn’t want you to know His plan right now?  What if, God forbid, your spouse is 500 miles away and you can’t pray him into existence, so the only thing you can do is be obedient to the Holy Spirit?  Can you be surrendered to God’s will enough to give this burning desire back to him/?  Can you attach yourself to Him and be detached from this desire?

Can you really?

Are you ready to stop husband- hunting?  Are you ready to stop grasping as prize and start receiving as gift?  You need to really be honest with yourself.  And you need to STOP and let all of this go.  You need to quit hanging around people who even hint at wanting to set you up or even remotely make you feel wrong for being single…because those are lies.  There is nothing wrong with you because you are single.  NO. THING.  Stop watching chick flicks.  Stop it.  Avoid married and relationship things for a while.  Get lost in Christ.  Let the Holy Spirit do His thing, not yours.

“I reject the attack on my self-worth.”  St. Michael, defend us.

I don't have all the answers.  I just see what I see.  And I see you turning more inward and inflicting pain on yourself.

So stop.

Turn toward Christ.  Give it all to Him: the hurt, the anger, the fear, the loathing, hatred, lies, tears, tantrums, needs, wants, expectations, plans.  All of it.  He wants all of it.  He wants all of you.  ALL of it.  Let go of it and give it to Him.  He will not fail or disappoint you.

One other thing.  You cannot, must not ever be less than who you are just to please some man.  It will be disastrous.  Don’t you dare do it.  You need a strong leader who can handle everything you throw at him.  And He’s holding your heart right now.  And He will never ever give up on you, so don’t you dare think He has.  And if you think He has, unite yourself to His Son on the Cross when He suffered abandonment.

Again, my beautiful sister, I am sorry if this came off a bit harsh.  I don’t know anything except that I want what is best for you.  Stop.  Slow down.  Rest.  Let go.

“I reject the attack on my self-worth.”

God’s will be done, not yours.  “Now for a while, you may have to suffer various trials.”  Are you ready to be held in the crucible?  No?  Are you willing?  If not, can you do what it takes to get willing and stay willing?

I guarantee you, friend, the suffering will be worth it.  It will.  You are going to be amazed.  Stop forcing.  Stop controlling.  Start surrendering; start detaching.  Then you will be peaceful, joyful, and authentic.

And, if you have your eye on someone, and he doesn’t notice you or won’t initiate, LET IT GO.  He’s not for you.  Don’t do your future husband a disservice by settling for someone less than him.  He will notice you.  He will chase you.  He will help you slay the dragons.

And you will know.
There will be no questions.
And you will have peace
And joy, and detachment
And authenticity, because
You’ve already surrendered all to
The will of God.

I love you.  I am praying for you, beautiful daughter of the Father.

I must decrease so that He may increase.

St. John the Baptist, pray for us.

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