Thursday, August 29, 2013

In addition....

The thing that sucks about heartbreak is that you tend to think about it again for awhile if you decide to drag it back up again.  Two important things that I didn't mention about breaking up with Kris were that two guys really helped me get through it.  First, The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I had one of those cardboard prints of this image that was about 5x7, I think.  I know that it sounds completely psychotic, but I carried this print to and from work with me every day (in addition to extra eye make-up, heh) for about 2 weeks just in case I started bawling out of the middle of nowhere.  When I would break down, I'd clutch this to my heart and just sob.  It was pretty awesome.  My boss was pretty understanding, too.

Next, Joe Zambon's song, "Why This Had to Be:"

Incredibly consoling.  Typically, when we're in pain, we question why it's happening.  This song helped me find the answer... it had to happen "for me to wind up here, for me to be with You."

Yup, that's it.

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