Hey, friends. It's been a long time since I last posted. My humble apologies. My new awesome job as a youth minister has just been eating up my life and time. I LOVE IT! Anyways. Been going through some tough spots lately, and I've really been struggling with prayer. A few years back, I took the advice of one of my teens and had a "conversation with God." Basically, you use a journal and just strike up a conversation with the Almighty. The first thing you hear or think of after you write is the answer. I have had a TON of serious awesomeness come out of this.... but sometimes I think I'm nuts! I wondered if I was the only one who did it. Also, some things have come up in my life lately to question this method of prayer. However, it was those things that sent me hunting for the Tenth Avenue North CD in the store where I found this book. Godsidence? I think so.
So. Let's, as John Wayne would say, "git to the rat killin'."
Back cover reads:
"Do you know that you can talk to God the way you talk to your best friend? Girl Talk with God shares the eye-opening private communication between one young woman and God. These intimate conversations show how amazing it can be to talk to God about anything. Everything's on the table here: lyrics of the latest CD, the spiritual high she felt after a mission trip, the history quiz she wasn't ready for, what she did on last night's date. But be prepared: God's no yes-man. He tells her the truth, and sometimes it's not pretty. But when He challenges, He offers His grace, His comfort, and His awesome love. And God is always there. He's there when a friend disappoints her. He's there when she's trying to figure out just what she believes about Him. He's there when she feels empty and alone and doesn't know why. Listen in. Find out what it's like to have the Creator of the universe for your best friend."
First of all, you need to listen to this song: Beloved by Tenth Avenue North
It's a super fast read, and it looks just like my journal entries. I say something, God answers. She says something, God answers. There are TONS of my favorite Bible verses in there. The most pertinent being Jeremiah 29:11 and Habakkuk 2:3 (which were two verses I used to end a letter to a guy who broke it off with me). It even mentions Isaiah 1:18... my all time favorite!
Anyways. This is a great approach to prayer, and it will help you if you really don't know what to do when you prayer. I polished this off today after about 3 hours (total reading. I dorked around on the computer when i got tired of sitting in one spot). It even dealt with dating and the future spouse issue, which is what I'm dealing with right now. So. It's good. A girls only read, though! Not that this type of prayer wouldn't work for guys, too! There are two things about this book that annoy me, though. They're dinky in comparison with the rest of the book, but annoyances nonetheless. On page 86, it reads, "I know your hurt." ACK! Then, on page 97, she notices that she has highlighted James 4:28. There is no James 4:28. In fact, there is no verse 28 in all of James! Oh well. We suck at life.
(What she says. What she receives from God)
"When you pray diligently for someone, you become burdened for him. And I'm able to increase that burden for that person every time you pray" (63). yeah. That totally makes sense to what I'm going through right now. Praying for my future husband for the past five years has really become more like a burden than a source of hope and joy.
"You were praying for an opportunity... but you weren't looking for an opportunity. There's a difference" (93).
"But, God, I want someone who's-
Capable of making you feel secure? And cherished? A young man who's not afraid to cry with you? Someone who will spontaneously surprise you with a picnic lunch by the lake? Fly a kite with you on a windy day? Romance you? Bring you flowers? Someone who's strong. Deeply committed to Me. Involved in church. One who helps Widow Foster out of her car and up the steps to church on Sunday morning. A young man who stops in the hallway between Sunday school and morning worship to pick up a three-year-old and tousle his hair. Someone who makes you laugh and treats you like a princess. Someone who 's head-over-heels crazy about you and really doesn't care if your hair is long or short or if you had the extra helping of dessert you really didn't need. A man who's excited about providing for you. One who brings out the very best in you and enhances your relationship with Me.
I don't know what to say.
That's whom you're longing for... isn't it?O, yes, Father. That's the cry of my heart! That's exactly the man I want to spend the rest of my life with!" (107-108).
"As long as My disciples are truly committed to Me, I'll use them wherever they are" (144).
Read it. Now.
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