Well, we had a rough start with Pinocchio, which I absolutely detested. I've said it before that classics are not automatically Word Nerd Approved. I'll say no more other than it's not the Disney version. Blechk.
Then. THEN, dear reader, we started in on the Wind and the Willows, which, for some odd reason, I had always avoided as a child. I guess it just struck me as peculiar, and I didn't really want to read about rats and badgers and moles and frogs. Because ew.
Boy, oh boy, was I pleasantly surprised! This was a HUGE breath of fresh, springtime air after the monotonous drivel that was Pinocchio. The colors! The description! The homeliness! The words! The adventure! The humor! The the the....
So, here we go! I'd like to answer mostly in gifs for this post.
Kenneth Grahame
Reading Time: about a month as a read-aloud, about 10 pages at a time.
Initial Reaction: Wow! I can't wait to read this again! What was I WAITING FOR?!
Promote Virtue? Yes.
Transcendentals? Ooooh this book has everything!
Overcome human condition? Toadly condition? Yes.
Attitude toward Catholicism? NA
Paganry? There is a little chapter about Pan, but meh.
Swearing? an "ass" here and there. As in, jackass.
Violence? schoolyard variety. A thrashing or two.
Appropriate age? Great for all ages.
Writing Style: Grahame just sucks you in with phenomenal description, and he never lets go.
Notable Quoteables: Too many to put here.
Great words: Such wonderful vocabulary! Too many to put here.
Final Summation: I'm quite upset at myself for putting off reading this book for so long. I can't wait to read it again and again independently or with my kids. It is undeniably
Read it! Read it NOW!
Jungle Book is next!
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