Monday, May 07, 2007

Capt. Hook

Reaction to Capt. Hook: The Adventures of Notorious Youth by JV Hart

Inside cover reads:
"With his long black curls, a shadowy family tree, and an affinity for pet spiders, James Mathhew bears little resemblance to his starched-collar, blue-bloodedppers at Eton. Dubbed King Jas., hestops at nothing to become the most notorious underclassman in the prestigious school;s history. For James, sword fighting, falling in love with an Ottoman Sultana, and challenging the Queen of Englad are all in a days skullduggery. But when he sets sail on a ship with a mysterious mission, King Jas.' dream of discovering a magical island quickly turns into an unimaginable nightmare. Screenwriter JV Hart traces the evolution of JM Barrie's classic villain from an eccentric outcast to the scourge of Neverland."

My rxn:
I'm not even finished and it wins the Word Nerd Seal of Approval.

it's topping swank. I don't know what this new obsession with pirates is, but i'm kind of liking it. pirates kickass. This intended audience is, i would say, 7th grade and up. awful lot of big words. if you liked the movie Hook, you'll love this. hm. it shows us a great history and deep portrayal of Capt. Hook. i like it.... the only reason i was disappointed was due to the fact that Hart cuts us off. I want to see what happens when he eventually gets to neverland. I wonder if Hart has written another book... or should i just read peter pan? anyways. Mad props. read it.

"I would rather suck a dead dog's nose" (14). Robin Williams says that in Hook.

"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences" (19).

"For every life situation there is a fitting quote from the hand of Shakespeare" (87).

Lots of big vocab words!!
sanguinely (104)
sardonic (125)
exsanguination, embolism, asphyxia, acolytes (205)
macabre, goading (221)
fractious (224)
libation (239)
impervious (248) !!!

"Fog whispered over the canal boats and sailing vessels moored along the Thames at Weir's Lock" (121).

"Was he being an idiot, he wondered? Was any girl worth even the slightest of risks? He had to know what this fluttering presence was that had taken up residence in his heart since the moment she had come into his life. His future was damned to hell because of her. It was only a matter of time befor ehe would be banished from Eton. What could he possibly gain by this dangerous course he had set forth on? A moment to look into her eyes and say ... 'Goodbye'?" (121).

"All grown-ups believe dthey kenw about everything in life and had a story to prove it" (136). If I ever turn into a grouchy, cantankerous, know-it-all teacher, you have permission to smack me upside the head. Highly unlikely, though.

"James might spring to life beneath the tall hat and reconstitute himself from his own ashes" (221). symbolism, anyone??

"And a fractious goood morning to you, Madame Siren. James Matthew, formerly of Eton, at your service. Forgive my rudeness--are you a good witch? Or a bad witch?" (224). Major brownie points for working The Wizard of Oz into the story.

"Absinthe...'The green faerie that lives in this bottle has eaten your very soul'"(238).

"He was revoletd then by their hopocrisy just as he was by the Captain's. No god should ever be invoked to inflict harm" (239).

"Jolly suddenly began digging madly in his waistcoat as if trying to ferret out an infsetation of bees that had chosen him for a hive" (250).

"This has the ring of a confession, Jolly. Save it. I have to remedy the current situation and I do not need your heart bleeding all over me"(298).

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